About the Journal
All-Ukrainian scientific collection "Scientific works of the Donetsk National Technical University. Series: "Computer engineering and automation" is a scientific specialist publication of Ukraine, in which the results of scientific research in the field of technical sciences can be published. The collection publishes articles by scientists, graduate students, masters of higher education institutions, as well as practicing scientists and engineers of leading enterprises, which contain the results of theoretical and practical research and development according to thematic sections.
The materials of the collection are intended for teachers, researchers, engineering and technical workers, graduate students and students who are engaged in research, development and use of automatic, information and electronic systems.
Certificate of state registration: KB No. 7376 dated 03.06.2003.
Founder: Donetsk national technical university.
Year of establishment: 1998.
P-ISSN: 2075-4272.
E-ISSN: 2786-9024.
Type of publication: a collection of scientific works.
Publication status: Domestic.
Publication languages: Ukrainian, English (mixed) languages.
Frequency: every six months.
Scope of distribution: national and foreign.
Branch of science: engineering.
Publication category: B.
UDC: 004: 681.5: 658.5: 621.3
Categories of readers: scientific, pedagogical and engineering and technical staff , graduate students, doctoral students, students.
Thematic orientation: publication of original and review works on the main problems of modern information technologies, information security, cyber security and protection of critical infrastructures, mathematical and computer modeling, information protection in information and telecommunication systems and networks (including issues of personal data protection) , automation of technological processes and information and measurement systems, electronic and microprocessor devices.
Indexed in: Google Scholar, Crossref and National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadskyi (link).
Responsible department: Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of Donetsk National Technical University.
Address of the editorial office: str. Potebny, 56, Lutsk, Volyn region, 43003, Ukraine.