


requirement prioritization, WOA, GWO, critical infrastructure object, CI


The objective of the study is to develop an algorithm for prioritizing requirements in the development of software for critical infrastructure object projects. Requirement development is a fundamental phase in any software project, as this phase involves the identification, processing, and manipulation of requirements. The primary source of these requirements is project stakeholders, taking into account project constraints and limits. The number of requirements varies for each software project for a critical infrastructure object, hence the term requirement prioritization pertains to determining the priority order of executing software requirements based on considerations and decisions of stakeholders.

Various proposed optimization algorithms are employed to address optimization tasks. This paper presents the main stages of basic optimization algorithms, some of their modifications aimed at enhancing their efficiency in solving such types of problems. Additionally, a hybrid approach based on WOA and GWO optimization algorithms is proposed, combining the advantages of each algorithm to determine the priority of requirements for critical infrastructure object software. Furthermore, a dataset from the SKUDA project is provided, utilized in this research, meeting the requirements of a real software project for evaluating the proposed method.

The scientific novelty lies in the modification, application, and combination of results from well-known GWO and WOA algorithms to address the requirement prioritization task for critical infrastructure object software projects. The proposed algorithm achieves an accuracy of 92% for the proposed set of requirements.

Author Biographies

IAROSLAV DOROHYI, Donetsk National Technical University

Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of DonNTU

Olena Doroha-Ivaniuk, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Postgraduate student at KPI named after Igor Sikorsky


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How to Cite

DOROHYI, I., & Doroha-Ivaniuk, O. (2024). REQUIREMENT PRIORITIZATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE PROJECTS FOR CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECTS. Scientific Papers of Donetsk National Technical University. Series: “Computer Engineering and Automation", 1(1(33), 12–28.



Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection