


global resilience, smart state, resilience, digital infrastructure, sustainability, conceptual foundations


This article is dedicated to the examination of the conceptual foundations of the global resilience of a smart state. The authors explore the contemporary dimension of Ukraine's development in the context of the integration of technologies and innovations into all aspects of life. In particular, the article investigates the impact of information technologies, artificial intelligence, and other modern technologies on the efficiency of governance, socio-economic development, and ecological resilience.

The article provides a detailed analysis of key aspects of the creation and functioning of smart states, including the role of digital infrastructures, open data, and e-government. The authors analyze the principles of interaction between a smart state and citizens, businesses, and other members of society to achieve a high level of resilience and development.

The article also examines challenges and risks associated with the implementation of modern technologies in the state system and proposes strategies for ensuring cybersecurity and privacy protection in the digital environment. Special attention is given to the ideas of resilience development and ethical aspects of technology use to achieve global resilience of a smart state, understanding such  definitions as digital resilience and global resilience, and accordingly, determining their structure and patterns of use.

Author Biographies

IAROSLAV DOROHYI, Donetsk National Technical University

Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Iryna Berdychenko, Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure


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