


LMC Systems, interactive learning, vulnerabilities of distance learning systems, protection, cloud technologies, confidentiality, accessibility, integrity, reliability, information, personal data, educational content


Information technologies play a significant role in the educational process and ensuring quality learning outcomes in the context of distance education. A modern trend is the development of interactive systems, which include elements of audio and video materials, graphics, presentations, internet links, materials from various sources, and in different formats. The addition of interactive content to educational systems increases the risks of information security in modern LMC systems. Emphasis is placed on the need to ensure the protection of software in systems, educational content hosted within them, learning outcomes, and participants' personal data. When building protection, attention should be paid to potential threats such as unauthorized access, flawed software, poor plugin updates, material copying, fraud, and cyber-attacks. Vulnerabilities of the most widespread modern LMC systems are analyzed. Attention is given to the possibilities of using cloud technologies to host system modules, educational materials, or learning outcomes on cloud services. Cloud application guarantees constant access to the learning system, reliable storage of materials, additional protection of confidential and personal information. Therefore, to ensure effective and safe learning considering modern interactive approaches to presenting educational materials, it is important to develop systems and implement technologies that provide constant access to educational content, reliable data protection (including personal data), information integrity, and compliance with confidentiality principles.

Author Biographies

Olena Liubymenko, Donetsk National Technical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of DonNTU

Nataliia Maslova, Donetsk National Technical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of DonNTU


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